Monday, April 14, 2014

Pope John XXIII: Who's that other guy getting cannonized?

Allow me to take a moment to be a Catholic hipster. I've known about Pope John XXIII since last year when I found "Journal of a Soul: Pope John XXIII" at my church and decided that I liked this jolly looking man who was pope in the late 50's/early 60's.

I was really excited when I found out he would be canonized along with the beloved Pope John Paul II on Divine Mercy Sunday because, unlike a regular hipster, I wanted everyone else to know how awesome John XXIII was. As the canonization draws closer, I've heard a few people ask, "Who is Pope John the...(*pause for trying to read Roman numerals*) twenty third?"

He was a humble and simple man, always conscious of his prayer and relationship with Jesus. He wrote beautiful things about purity during his time in the seminary. He helped save around 24,000 Jewish people during World War II.  He opened the Second Vatican Council in 1962:

"Illuminated by the light of this Council, the Church -- we confidently trust
-- will become greater in spiritual riches and gaining the strength of new
energies therefrom, she will look to the future without fear. In fact, by
bringing herself up to date where required, and by the wise organization of
mutual co-operation, the Church will make men, families, and peoples really
turn their minds to heavenly things."
-From Pope John XXII'I's opening speech to the Second Vatican Council
(I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Church does in fact "keep with the times" and look toward the future. Just because she doesn't change her views on today's hot topics and truth doesn't mean she is "stuck in the past.")
As pope, John XXIII traveled freely throughout Rome, not wanting to appear as a "prisoner of the Vatican." He also tried to downplay his role as "ruler" and emphasized his role of servant to the church....He visited a prison, saying, "since you could not come to me, I came to you!" Sounds familiar doesn't it?
Hi Pope Francis!
I have not finished John XXIII's writing yet, but I have read enough to catch a small glimpse of his beautiful and holy don't need to read much to see it:
"In fact, what use would it be for us to possess even all the gold in the world at the price of losing our souls? Keep this truth firmly fixed in your minds and never forget it. We must never feel saddened by the very straightened circumstances in which we live. We must be patient, look above and think of paradise...we shall find our rest there, do you understand?  There we shall suffer no more; we shall receive the reward of our works and our sufferings, if we have borne them with patience."
-From a Letter to his parents, 1901, when he was rector of the Roman seminary. (Journal of a Soul)

This speaks to my heart. I hope it speaks to yours too.
He was very aware of his interior life, as any good and holy person should be. In Journal of A Soul, he makes a list while he is in the seminary of resolutions and goals for himself. He talks about prayer, meditation, not giving in to distractions, devotion to Mary and to the Blessed Sacrament...even being a student:

"As regards to my studies, I will apply myself to them with love and enthusiasm to the best of my powers, taking care to give due attention to all subjects without any distraction, never proffering the excuse that I do not like any of them."
-Journal of a Soul
I feel like I need to hang this over my desk and write in on the cover of my notebook. ;)
He also wrote about the importance of and his commitment to purity, especially as it pertained to him as a seminarian and future priest. He tried to keep conversations away from topics that would jeopardize his thoughts, and depended on the aid and intercession of God, Mary and his Guardian Angel to help him remain in holy purity. (Pope John XXIII--pray for us that we may follow this example!) 
This post is just the tip of the iceberg, but I wanted to raise a little bit of awareness for this awesome, holy, loving man. He reminds me a lot of Pope Francis and JPII. Toward the end of his life, he wrote:
"So I must hold myself ready for this last phase of my life, in which restrictions and sacrifices will await me, until the sacrifice of my bodily existence and the opening of eternal life. O Jesus, I am ready to stretch out my hands, now weak and trembling, and allow others to dress me and support me along the way."
Such humility and human dignity.
So now you should be DOUBLE excited for April 27th because TWO great men will be canonized! Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, Pray for us!


  1. Love your blog, Kaki! Thanks for CLAIREifying the information on Pope John the ..... 23rd! haha

  2. I don't know much about Pope John XXIII, so thank you Kaki for sharing these things that you do that involve him! lol

  3. I wonder if he is the man behind Dr. Pepper..23 flavors...Pope John 23. Can we get this CLAIREfied from the Vatican?
